The Friends of Oakfield helps to raise funds for surgery equipment aimed at improving patient care and serves as a forum to enable information to be communicated between patients, the doctors, nurses and practice management. They meet approximately 3 monthly to help support the practice.
A newsletter is published twice a year.
The committee is always keen to recruit new members, so if you have time to spare and are interested in joining the “Friends” please ask to speak to the Practice Manager.
“100 Club”
The Friends run the “100 Club”– and you could win:
- One cash prize each month of £30.00
- One cash prize each quarter of £50.00+ £30.00 (February, May, August and November)
- One cash prize at Christmas of £120.00+ £30.00
The new season for the “100 Club”starts on the 1st December each year. The tickets cost £12.00 for the year and are now available. If you wish to purchase a ticket please give your name to Reception and our Treasurer will contact you.
Please continue to support the work of the Friends by donating and buying quality books and videos for sale in the surgery waiting area.
Below is a list of items purchased using funds raised by the Friends of Oakfield:
- Large Vaccine Fridge
- Small Vaccine Fridge
- 2 Nebulisers
- 4 Wall-mounted Blood Pressure Machines
- Weighing scales in each of the 4 consulting rooms
- 1 Instamatic Camera for use by the nurses
- 2 High backed chairs for less mobile patients
- Sun blinds
- Call back bleepers for Nurses when out on call
- Baby weighing scales
- Hand drier in the toilet
- Radio & Speakers in the waiting room
- Training/Reference manuals for Medical Library
- Antenatal books giving information for patients
- Security Locks
- Prescription box
- Doctors lamp