Health Promotion & Well Person Checks
The practice nurses are happy to see any patient who wishes advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle eg; weight, blood pressure check, smoking cessation, alcohol intake, diet and exercise. Please contact reception if you wish to make an appointment.
Long-Term Health Problems
We invite patients with long standing health problems to attend for a regular review by a doctor or practice nurse, if they have any of the following conditions:
- Asthma
- Blood pressure
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Heart Disease
- Stroke
- Thyroid Disease
- Chronic Kidney / Liver Disease
If you are newly pregnant please inform reception. The midwife attached to the surgery is in charge of antenatal care; she holds antenatal clinics at the surgery on Tuesdays from 10am- 12:30pm.
Child Health
Immunisation of children is carried out at the surgery every Thursday morning by the practice nurse. Children will automatically be sent an appointment when their next immunisation is due.
There is a programme of child development checks run in conjunction with the health visitors.
Please see a doctor if you wish to discuss contraception – the surgery offers a comprehensive range of family planning services.
Note – ask for a same day appointment if you require emergency contraception (it can be purchased at the chemist if you are unable to come to the surgery).
Cervical Smears
If you are a woman between the age of 25 and 65 you are advised to have a regular cervical smear test. These tests are carried out routinely every 3 years between the ages of 25-49, and every 5 years between the ages of 50–65. This test makes it possible to detect and treat early stages of abnormalities of the cervix before they have a chance to cause any symptoms. The test is quick, simple and may be performed by a nurse or doctor. A recall system ensures eligible patients are screened on a regular basis. If you think that your smear test is due and you have not been contacted, please telephone the surgery. You will receive a letter informing you of the result of your smear test as a matter of routine.
Breast Screening
The Aylesbury & Wycombe Breast Screening Service mobile unit holds x-ray breast cancer screening sessions for our patients every three years and all women between the age of 50 and 70 years of age are offered an appointment to attend for a mammogram. Women aged over 70 are able to make their own appointment by ringing the breast screening unit on 01494 425689.
Foreign Travel Vaccinations
The practice nurses offer health advice and immunisation for patients wishing to go abroad. The practice nurse will check which vaccines are required according to your itinerary and then administer the appropriate vaccine depending on your immunisation history. Please try and book your appointment with the practice nurse at least 8 weeks before departure. Please note there will be a charge for some vaccines or certificates (details of charges are available in reception).
Influenza is responsible for many deaths and much debility each year. We have an active programme of annual influenza vaccination each autumn and the doctors strongly recommend vaccination for those most at risk. You may be offered a vaccination if you have or are:
- Aged 65 or over
- Diabetes
- Asthma, Chronic lung disease
- Heart disease
- Chronic kidney disease
- Had a Stroke
- Chronic Liver disease
Seasonal clinic details will be listed in our Surgery News.
This one off vaccination lasts a lifetime and is available all year round for at risk groups. It protects against common bacteria which cause pneumonia. Please ask reception if you have not had this and are in the at risk category.
Minor Surgery
We have facilities to perform certain minor surgical procedures. Your doctor will make the arrangements for surgery when indicated. Please note cosmetic surgery for skin tags or other harmless skin lesions is no longer available on the NHS.
Non-NHS Services
The doctors provide certain services that fall outside the scope of the NHS. Patients will be charged for these services.
Some examples are given below:
- Private Medical Certificates
- Private prescriptions
- Certification to Private Medical Insurers
- Medical examinations eg:HGV/Pre-employment
- Some travel vaccinations
- Holiday cancellation forms
Please ask reception for details of the current charges for these services.
All fees are payable at the time of consultation – either by cash or cheque (credit cards are not accepted).