Practice Information


Consultations with the Doctor or Nurse by Appointment

To arrange an appointment please ring or call into the surgery and speak to the receptionist during surgery opening hours. You may book an appointment for up to 4 weeks ahead. If you wish to see a doctor of your choice you may have to make an appointment well in advance.

We will always see a patient as an emergency on the same day, but you may not always be seen by your preferred doctor. The receptionist will ask you for a brief reason for the appointment if it is requested as an emergency.

Please note that an appointment is for one person only, a separate appointment should be made for each patient attending.

Please remember to notify the receptionist of your arrival for the appointment.

Every effort is made to keep to the time allocated, but on occasions, there may be delays due to doctor over-running with an earlier patient. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let us know; it can then be offered to someone else. Patients who arrive more than 10 minutes late for their appointment will be asked to make another appointment and if you regularly fail to attend appointments it may be necessary to ask you to register with another practice.

Please note appointments arranged by telephone can only be made on 01296 428486

Home Visits

The ideal conditions for assessing patients for diagnosis, blood taking and treatment are at the surgery, however, there may be circumstances when patients cannot attend the surgery. Requests for home visits should be made by 11.00am if possible, to enable the doctors to plan their time efficiently. Please give brief details about your illness to the receptionist, who will pass the message to the doctor, who will visit you at home if you are considered too ill to come to the surgery, but remember urgent cases can be seen sooner at the surgery.

Telephone Advice

If you wish to speak to a doctor, please telephone our Enquiries number 01296 423797. If a doctor is not able to speak to you at that time, the receptionist will take a message and ask the doctor to ring you back later.

Doctors may not be disturbed during surgery unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Protected Learning Time

The surgery will be closed one afternoon per month for staff training. Details of the days this will take place will be given on our Surgery News page. If you need urgent help when we are closed please go to or call NHS 111.

Results Of Tests

Please allow 7 days for the results of blood/urine and 10 days for x-ray results to return to the surgery. Specialised tests and smear results can take up to 4 weeks. If you are asked to telephone for the result please do so after 3.00pm when the phones are less busy on 01296 423797.

All specimens should be left at the collection point at reception before 12.00 noon for transport to Stoke Mandeville Hospital or you can take it to Pathology yourself via Entrance 2 at Stoke Mandeville Hospital before 5.00pm.

Out Of Hours

If you have an urgent medical problem that cannot wait until the surgery is open, i.e. before 8.00am and after 6.30pm, all weekends and bank holidays, please ring NHS 111  which has been commissioned by the Buckinghamshire NHS to provide urgent care and medical advice outside surgery hours.

Out of Hours Telephone Number 111


Please ring this number in a genuine major medical emergency. If you are not sure please ask either the Surgery or the Out of Hours Service for advice.

Repeat Prescriptions

Patients who are on regular courses of medication can be issued repeat prescriptions without the need to see the doctor. Your doctor will give you a repeat prescription slip. Please detach this and keep it in a safe place. When you need a further supply of medication, tick the items required and bring it to the surgery, or post it to us, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope if you wish it to be returned by post. Items handwritten by the patient will only be prescribed if appropriate.

A prescription can also be ordered on-line via the link Patient Access.


Please allow 2 working days before collection from the surgery to allow doctors time to check your prescription as they are legally responsible for them.

If you are housebound or have difficulty in collecting your prescription a local chemist can collect it from the surgery and deliver the medication to your home. This is done by prior arrangement by yourself with a chemist.

If you are taking any long-term medication you may be asked to make an appointment with doctor or nurse for a review of your treatment before a further prescription can be issued.

To avoid errors the receptionists are not allowed to accept repeat prescription requests over the telephone.

Private Referrals

If the doctor refers you as a private patient, the first prescription that you are given, which arises from this referral is classed as a private prescription and you will be charged for the prescription and medication.

Sickness Certificates

Self Certificate (SC2) forms are available from your employer or the Department of Work & Pensions for the first 7 days of illness. If your employer insists on a medical certificate for an illness lasting for less than 7 days the doctor may issue a private certificate for which there is a fee. If you are ill for more than 7 days you will need to see the doctor for an NHS certificate – this is free of charge.


If you require a chaperone, please ask the examining doctor/nurse, who will be happy to arrange this. The doctor may ask for a chaperone to accompany patients if considered appropriate.

Foreign Language Translation

If your first language is not English and you require an interpreter, we can organise a telephone interpreter for most languages. Please inform the receptionist at the time of making your appointment.

Useful Numbers

Addiction Counselling Trust 01296 425329

Specialist Community Addiction Service 01296 565100

Bucks Carers 0300 777 2722

bSHaW (Bucks Sexual Health and Wellbeing) 0300 303 2880

Citizens Advice Bureau 0870 1264056

Cruse (Bereavement Counselling) 01296 425757

Dental Clinic – Brookside 0844 2252411

Family Planning Clinic 0844 2252408

Florence Nightingale Hospice 01296 332600

Job Centre Plus 01296 554255

PALS patient advice and liaison service 0800 328 5640

Register of Births & Deaths 01296 382581

Relate (Relationship Counselling) 01296 427973

Samaritans 0845 7909090

Smoking Cessation Service 0300 123 1044

Social Services 01296 383204

Sue Nicholls Centre 01296 489951

Useful Numbers – Hospitals

Amersham Hospital 01494 434411

Chiltern Hospital – Great Missenden 01494 890890

Churchill Hospital 01865 741841

John Radcliffe Hospital 01865 741166

Milton Keynes Hospital 01908 660033

Nuffield Orthopaedic Hospital 01865 741155

Paddocks Hospital – Princes Risborough 01844 276000

Stoke Mandeville Hospital 01296 315000

Stoke Mandeville Hospital (x-ray appointments) 01296 316900

Wycombe General Hospital 01494 526161

Useful Websites (British Heart Foundation)

Disclaimer – Oakfield surgery cannot take responsibility for the information provided by these links.